Let's follow a day in the life of Kofi, a meticulous lab technician at the central hospital in his region. Kofi has embraced the power of SORMAS not just for data entry but also for the crucial analysis that guides the hospital’s response to infectious diseases.

**7:30 AM - Morning Briefing:**
Kofi’s day begins with a briefing. The hospital has seen a spike in influenza-like illnesses, and his team is on high alert. As he sips his coffee, he logs into SORMAS on his desktop and reviews the overnight entries—cases from the ER, new samples logged in by his colleagues, and test results waiting to be analyzed.

**8:00 AM - Sample Processing:**
Dressed in his lab coat, Kofi begins processing new samples. For each, he creates a new 'sample' entry in SORMAS, linking it to the corresponding 'case'. He records the type of sample, the collection date, and the test that needs to be run. Efficiency is key, and SORMAS streamlines his workflow significantly.

**10:00 AM - Test Analysis:**
After running several tests, Kofi starts updating SORMAS with the results. Positive, negative, or indeterminate—the outcomes are meticulously entered. SORMAS’s dashboard allows him to see patterns emerging in real-time, giving him an early indication of an uptick in cases.

**12:00 PM - Data Synthesis:**
Over lunch, Kofi doesn’t disconnect completely. He uses SORMAS's analytical tools to synthesize data. With just a few clicks, he generates graphs showing test result trends over the past month. He’s particularly interested in the age distribution of positive cases, which could indicate the need for targeted community interventions.

**2:00 PM - Afternoon Review:**
The afternoon is dedicated to deeper analysis. Kofi reviews the day’s data entries for anomalies and correlates them with demographic data. Using SORMAS, he notices a cluster of positive cases in a particular neighborhood. He flags this in the system, triggering a potential outreach response from Amina’s community health team.

**3:30 PM - Cross-Departmental Collaboration:**
Kofi attends a cross-departmental meeting where he presents his findings from SORMAS. The easy-to-understand visualizations from the system help the team strategize a response. They discuss setting up a temporary community testing center in the affected neighborhood.

**5:00 PM - Quality Checks:**
Before his day ends, Kofi does a round of quality checks. He compares the physical lab logs with SORMAS entries to ensure data integrity. Any discrepancies are corrected, ensuring that the hospital’s data is accurate and reliable.

**6:00 PM - Evening Handover:**
Kofi meets with the evening shift technician, Nana. Together, they review SORMAS's dashboard to assess the day’s trends and discuss outstanding tests. Nana feels confident taking over, armed with the knowledge shared through SORMAS.

In his role, Kofi leverages SORMAS not only for data entry but as a vital analytical tool. By tracking and analyzing lab results, he plays a critical role in the hospital’s ability to predict and respond to health trends. His analysis informs prevention strategies, resource allocation, and even community outreach programs—ensuring that the hospital stays one step ahead in health care management.



Watch this video. about the role of Hospital Informant.

As an informant you are the main person to inform the health system about possible new cases of infectious diseases.

Try it yourself as a Hospital Informant:

SORMAS Demonstration Site

Username: HospInf
Password: KaPmqhrkY2Dm


As a surveillance officer you are responsible to confirm infectious cases and rumors all over your region. With the help of SORMAS you are able to save many lives

Try it yourself as a Surveillance officer:

SORMAS Demonstration Site

Username: HospInf
Password: KaPmqhrkY2Dm

As  a lab manager you are responsible to test and verify samples of suspected cases with SORMAS your results reach the health facility in the public health service directly and help implementing control measures. As a surveillance officer you are responsible to confirm infectious cases and rumors all over your region. With the help of SORMAS you are able to save many lives.

Try it yourself as a Lab Manager:

SORMAS Demonstration Site

Username: LabOff
Password: DUsUC6b5xWKz

Última modificación: lunes, 1 de julio de 2024, 09:26